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 What are the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes?

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Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2009-02-19

What are the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes? Empty
PostSubject: What are the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes?   What are the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes? EmptyTue May 05, 2009 1:41 am

Explaining the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes

500.00 PhP Up front
This scheme provides the Contender with the most savings and the least hassle as it waives the 100 PhP registration fee and is good for one year. This scheme registers the Contender with the P∙U∙G∙S ranking database for 1 full year.

100.00 PhP Registration, then 100 PhP per month for the next 5 months (for a total of PhP600.00).
Upon paying the 100 PhP registration fee, the Contender is registered with the P∙U∙G∙S ranking database for one month. In order to continue enjoying the privileges of Contendership, the Contender needs to pay 100 PhP per month for the next 5 months. Upon paying the 5th month, the Contender enjoys the privileges of Contendership for the rest of the year.

100.00 PhP Registration, then 50 PhP per month for the next 12 months (for a total of PhP700.00).
Upon paying the 100 PhP registration fee, the Contender is registered with the P∙U∙G∙S ranking database for one month. In order to continue enjoying the privileges of Contendership, the Contender needs to pay 50 PhP per month for the next 12 months. This scheme is easiest for those on a budget.

Contender’s Discount on Balasa Entrance Fees
Active Contenders receive a 50 PhP discount on the entrance fees of the Balasa events they attend.
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What are the P∙U∙G∙S Registration Schemes?
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