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 3rd BALASA! this July 18

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-02-24
Age : 54
Location : Las Piñas

3rd BALASA! this July 18 Empty
PostSubject: 3rd BALASA! this July 18   3rd BALASA! this July 18 EmptyFri Jul 03, 2009 11:53 pm

3rd BALASA! this July 18 OGM-BalasaMiniPoster

Greetings fellow PUGlets and PUGlings,

This July, a joint BALASA! / Open Gaming Meet will be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month, July 18, at the Groundfloor, Cyberzone, SM Marikina, from 10am til 9pm. For those not familiar with how to get there, you can download a printable JPG map from HERE.

The following house rules are in effect during the event and we expect every participant to adhere to them:

- since this will be held at a Mall, please refrain from bringing in a lot of games. We suggest 1 to 3 games per participant, maybe 4 if the games are all small.

- as much as possible, bring at least 1 gateway game, since having the event at a Mall gives us the opportunity to get walk-ins hooked to our hobby.

- there will be a baggage counter and game counter to ensure the safety of your possessions.

- all tables are considered "open tables" using the board to signify which game has priority on the next table.

- we ask that all participants please be mindful of your fellow players nearby by not being too loud when playing a game.

- only the new OGM IDs will be handed out to participants, but VJ will continue tracking attendance so that people eligible for the new OGM ID will be awarded.

- do not put food or drinks on the same table as the games. A lot of these games are not cheap, or they're already out of print, or both, so please be considerate to the owner of the game.

- if you must eat while gaming, use a nearby empty table (if available) to eat your food. If a spare table is unavailable, eat / drink in such a way that crumbs / droplets will not fall on the game pieces.

- practice "clean as you go". Make sure that the tables are devoid of wrappers / empty bottles / etc. when you vacate it, so that the next group of players won't spend time cleaning up your mess. After all, you don't want people to think you're a slob.

- there will be no Cantina, since you can find tons of food options in the Mall.

- every participant that leaves the event area will have his wrist stamped, so that they can re-enter afterwards without having to pay.

- any participant caught disrupting the event will be asked to leave the event. If the participant refuses, he will be forcibly removed from the event.

Planned Tournaments for the JUL. BALASA! are:

Magic: the Gathering Tournament

Format: Booster Draft (Triple Magic 2010)
Product distribution: Three M10 boosters and a limited-edition foil card

Registration: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Start Time: 1:00 pm

Prize Structure: (*F-indicates an additional foil card)
8 players: 2-1-1, one foil card to be given away randomly.
12 players: 3-2-1-*F, one foil to be given away randomly.
16 players: 3-2-2-1-*F, two foil cards to be given away randomly.

Entrance Fee: PhP 500 (PhP 450 if you register before 11:30 am, GMT+8.)

For inquiries regarding the tournament, please contact 09183009388.

Legend of the 5 Rings Tournament

Format: CE/Swiss

Registration: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Start Time: 2:00 PM

Prize: Booster Draft

Entrance: Php 200

If we reach 20+ players, we will draft 15 packs then the top 4 will receive the following:
1st: 4 packs
2nd: 3 packs
3rd and 4th: 1 pack

Please note that all participants must pay an Entrance Fee of 50 Pesos when entering the joint BALASA! / OGM event.

Last edited by fVector on Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:54 am; edited 7 times in total
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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-05-22

3rd BALASA! this July 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd BALASA! this July 18   3rd BALASA! this July 18 EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 12:24 am

This might not be the proper place, but anyway. . .

The main tournament for Magic: the Gathering at the next BALASA will be Booster Draft. (Details below.) Since M10 is a major step forward rules-wise for Magic, we're also offering demos for old players to learn the new rules for the game.

Also, if people are interested in playing a particular format, please let me know. A number of us in my playgroup actually want to play Standard, ALA Block Constructed or Vintage, but we're not exactly sure of the turnout. If a decent amount of people want to play, we're willing to run a tourney for that also in the BALASA.

Format: Booster Draft (Triple Magic 2010)
Entrance Fee: PhP 500 (PhP 450 if you register before 11:30 am, GMT+8.)
Product distribution: Three M10 boosters and a limited-edition foil card
Registration: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (Tournament starts 1:00 pm)
Prize Structure: (*F-indicates an additional foil card)
8 players: 2-1-1, one foil card to be given away randomly.
12 players: 3-2-1-*F, one foil to be given away randomly.
16 players: 3-2-2-1-*F, two foil cards to be given away randomly.
For inquiries regarding the tournament, please contact 09183009388.
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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-02-24
Age : 54
Location : Las Piñas

3rd BALASA! this July 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd BALASA! this July 18   3rd BALASA! this July 18 EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 11:04 pm

No problem,

Thanks for taking the time to post your tournament details.

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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-02-24
Age : 54
Location : Las Piñas

3rd BALASA! this July 18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd BALASA! this July 18   3rd BALASA! this July 18 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 2:47 am

From Aerol Bibat, Organizer of the L5R Tournament,

L5R Philippines League Tournament
Venue: SM Marikina Cyberzone - OGM/Balasa
Date: July 18
Registration start: 11:00 AM
Registration end: 1:00 PM
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Format: Unless otherwise noted CE/Swiss - but this may change on Thursday to sealed deck - will update this announcement here.
Prize: Booster Draft

If we reach 20+ players, we will draft 15 packs then the top 4 will receive the following:

1st: 4 packs
2nd: 3 packs
3rd and 4th: 1 pack

Entrance: 200 pesos - flat
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