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 L5R Philippines National League Thread

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2 posters

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-06

L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty
PostSubject: L5R Philippines National League Thread   L5R Philippines National League Thread EmptyFri Jul 03, 2009 12:13 am

This thread will be the official thread where all the Phillipines league tourneys will be posted. I'm making a crosspost here to promote the status of the game in the Philippines and so that local players maybe recognized worldwide. Also new players might want to join in them.

League rankings will be posted weekly in this thread and in the L5R Philippines skillze forums. Prize fund status will also be weekly updated and all expenses by the league organizer (i.e. Aerol Bibat) will be itemized and shown for full transparency.

League specifics maybe found here:

The inaugural tourney for this league is as follows:

L5R Philippines League Tournament
"Farewell to Samurai"
Venue: Extended Play
Date: July 4
Start Time: 1:00 PM
Format: Samurai/Swiss
Prize: Celestial Edition Boosters Draft

If we reach 20+ players, we will draft 20 packs then the top 4 will receive the following:

1st: 6 packs
2nd: 4 packs
3rd and 4th: 3 packs

Entrance: 200 pesos - flat
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P·U·G·S Contender

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-03-06
Age : 42
Location : My domain: Quezon City

L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: L5R Philippines National League Thread   L5R Philippines National League Thread EmptySun Jul 12, 2009 11:36 pm

Is there gonna be a CE tourney at OGM/Balasa this Saturday?
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-06

L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: L5R Philippines National League Thread   L5R Philippines National League Thread EmptyMon Jul 13, 2009 9:59 pm

caitiff wrote:
Is there gonna be a CE tourney at OGM/Balasa this Saturday?

Yes there will be:

L5R Philippines League Tournament
Venue: SM Marikina Cyberzone - OGM/Balasa
Date: July 18
Registration start: 11:00 AM
Registration end: 1:00 PM
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Unless otherwise noted CE/Swiss - but this may change on Thursday to sealed deck - will update this announcement here.

Prize: Booster Draft

If we reach 20+ players, we will draft 15 packs then the top 4 will receive the following:

1st: 4 packs
2nd: 3 packs
3rd and 4th: 1 pack

Entrance: 200 pesos - flat
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-06

L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty
PostSubject: Updates   L5R Philippines National League Thread EmptyFri Jul 17, 2009 6:48 pm

L5R Philippines League Tournament
Venue: SM Marikina Cyberzone - OGM/Balasa
Date: July 18
Registration start: 11:00 AM
Registration end: 1:00 PM
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Format: CE/Swiss.

Prize: Booster Draft

If we reach 20+ players, we will draft 11 packs then the top 4 will receive the following:

1st: 4 packs
2nd: 3 packs
3rd and 4th: 1 pack

Entrance: 200 pesos - flat

As a side event, we will have one eight-man pod of CE sealed deck.

Entrance is 750 pesos. Indicate which event you will be joining when registering.

Random starters will be distributed once eight players are confirmed.

Prizes will be:

Top player - the remaining unpicked starter deck.
Remaining players will have picks from a four-booster pack draft.

First come, first served. The pod will start as soon as eight players are reached. Three rounds of Swiss will follow.

Updated the main tourney for the deducted packs.
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L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: L5R Philippines National League Thread   L5R Philippines National League Thread Empty

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